Finding Dr. Livingstone



This eye-opening perspective on Stanley’s expedition reveals new details about the Victorian
explorer and his African crew on the brink of the colonial Scramble for Africa.
In 1871, Welsh journalist Henry M. Stanley travelled to Zanzibar in search of the “missing”
Scottish explorer and missionary David Livingstone. A year later, Stanley emerged to
announce that he had “found” and met with Livingstone on Lake Tanganyika. His alleged
utterance there, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume,” was one of the most famous phrases of the
nineteenth century, and Stanley’s book, How I Found Livingstone, became an international
In this fascinating volume, Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi and James L. Newman transcribe and
annotate the entirety of Stanley’s documentation, making available for the first time in print
a broader narrative of Stanley’s journey that includes never-before-seen primary source
documents—worker contracts, vernacular plant names, maps, ruminations on life, lines of
poetry, bills of lading—all scribbled in his field notebooks.
Finding Dr. Livingstone is a crucial resource for those interested in exploration and colonisation in the Victorian era, the scientific knowledge of the time, and the peoples and
conditions of Tanzania prior to its colonisation by Germany